Thursday 3 July 2014

**Meethi Roti** (Sweet Chapaati)

(click on the Picture for a larger Image)
How I loved this one thing….. i have been eating since my first tooth came out, no wonder I have a sweet tooth :D
This used to be our sweet dish after any light lunch. I remember how my Mom darling used to make 2 of these as a “Dessert” cut them in fine slices placed on a big flat plate and how we all enjoyed 2 pieces each.
Such sweet memories of my home my parents my sibblings….. I never experienced such till today!
I remember those exciting moments as soon as Mom used to make the small balls, after making the normal chapaati, we immediately knew today she’s making the Meethi  Roti again.
In our childhood we were not hooked on ice creams or chocolates, we had this sweet Chapaati every off and on and this was a part of our lunch or dinner.
Somehow Mom’s made looked lovelier than mines, but well; she was the CHEF cook and I am just her follower :D
Mines look brown, reason I use brown sugar and this makes a difference for sure.
I use a bit brown flour more whole meal and rarely mix the white flour in it.
It is very simple and easy to make, we all know how to make the dough for the chapaati.
You can also check my “Frozen Parathay” recipe in here for preparing the dough
Here you go, come let’s make them together : )
2-4 balls from the prepared dough
1 tbs Ghee for each chapaati(2 balls)
1tbs sugar for each (just one side)
2 tsp Ghee to fry
*make  2  plum sized balls for each chapaati
*roll out smooth but not too big
*spread the ghee(clarified butter) on both rolled out chapaatis
*sprinkle sugar on just one of them and spread them evenly
*now cover the second chapaati over it and press edges to seal
*prick on the top with a fork, so it won’t fluff up and open up while frying
*fry on a medium heat, keep the chapaati moving here and there slowly so it gets an even color
*the sugar will ooze out, no problem, just keep frying till all ends cooked well
*don’t turn flame too high, it will burn  brown but stay uncooked inside
*place on a flat plate, cut out pieces and enjoy!
**This is how it Looks when taken bites, in this case i could hardly save this Piece to Show you all**
Don’t eat immediately can burn your tongue due to hot sugar!!
Happy frying : )


  1. Shahida Parveen8 July 2014 at 21:17

    Reminds me of the long gone days along with the invasion time of Kuwait (1990) when I used to make these for breakfast and my children thoroughly enjoyed them.

  2. Oh yes Baj...i also miss those days in Kuwait :( Those times when we used to eat from Mamas' Hands, that Aroma in the dinning room and the steam caused by frying those meethay parathay.....
    Long list...... So happy to see you here Baj :D Thanks for checking sharing your comment :)
