Saturday 14 September 2013

Salmon Steak Spicy and Juicy

                                         (click on the pictures for a larger Image)

Once a week every Tuesday or Wednesday it’s a fish day at my place :)
I keep doing changes, either it is a Fish curry or it’s a Desi Fried one but too often it’s this style, with fried steaks, boiled potatoes, steamed Vegetable later fried in little butter and a delicious sauce :) This time I made the Cream sauce instead of the Pepper Roux. It is endless delicious with no doubt and a 100/100 according to my loving Family!!
Although I just marinated the steaks for around 2 hours but the extra ordinary taste  was felt till deep in with a great taste, spicy and yummy juicy.
I bought the frozen Salmon Steaks thick and lovey peach color and this is how I made them

5 Salmon Steaks (thawed)
5-6 garlic pods (grated)
2tbs chickpea flour
                                                                      3tbs oil
¾ tsp red chili flakes
1tsp level salt
¼ tsp black pepper powder
½ tsp crushed carom seeds ( Ajwaain)
3-4 tbs fresh lemon Juice

-mix all spices in the chickpea flour and pour the oil over this ad make a thick paste, sprinkle the lemon juice and make it into a smooth paste
-carefully prick the fish steak with a fork and rub the spicy paste well on both sides of each steak and let it rest at least 3-4 hours, best is to prepare this in the morning so you have it done till your lunch time.
*In this mean time you can prepare the side dishes, boil the potatoes, peel them and keep aside
*Mix the Vegetable and stir fry then leave it in the steam so they stay crunchy
*I use tin red kidney and maze, fresh carrots, green beans and the red paprika
*cut all in bite size, stir fry in oil, season with salt, red chili some Tabasco and just tunr off the stove and leave it on the stove.
*I have an Electrical plate so it stays warm longer so if you have a gas stove then keep it on the lowest mark so it stay warm and gets cooked too.
*I fried the peeled Potatoes in a little bit of oil so they tasted like roasted ones

Okay what i totally forgot t mention was i fried them, i checked after a member asked me this :D
I shallow fried them in around 50ml oil,heat the oil well not at boiling point of course and fry the Steak turning each side after 2-3 minutes.
The chickpea  flour makes it crispy and the Steaks get a lovely firm look.

My Ultra delicious cream sauce, which is ideal for all type of steaks, beef or mutton fish or shrimps : )
Goes best with Potatoes and vegetables too.
My Super recipe for this sauce:
200ml Vegetable stock
200ml liquid cream
50ml fresh milk
2tbs flour
1tbs tomato paste
2 tbs butter
2 pods of grated garlic
                        *heat the butter; add the grated garlic, fry for few seconds
*add the tomato paste and fry till it turns a bit brownish but not burnt!

*pour the Vegetable stock, mix all well, add the liquid cream to it

*season with black pepper and salt according to your taste
*now pour the flour water slowly and whisk all gently and then let it simmer till it starts turning thick
*taste in between to check if the salt is okay or else add accordingly.
*cook till it forms into a smooth and slightly thick Sauce
Serve this with any fried meat, with any pasta dish it is a great combination with both : ) Serve with baguettes or any whole meal bread.



  1. Looks delicious.. Is there a substitute for the chick pea flour?

  2. Did you bake the salmon or fry it?

  3. Thank you dear Anonymous :)
    If you have roasted chickpeas at hand, you can grind them very fine in powder form and use that.You can use the plain flour but that gets sticky and does nto stick to the fish later on.(my experience)

    I shallow fried them, had forgotten to write in the recipe
    so have added it now, thanks for asking :)

  4. Thanks a lot :)... Can't wait to try it

  5. Hi. How to make vegetable stock? Any alternatives to this? Its it available ready made?

  6. Dear Anna, i have mentioned it somewhere in archives, will have to dig out and will write later.
    You can buy the Vegetable stock too,it is in powder form and you have to boil it with water.
    Where are you located, i can only tell you where you can get it here in Germany :)

    1. JazakAllah. I live in UK. will look for it now InshaAllah. Thanks for responding
